In August of 2023, I built my first WebFlow website. Here are some thoughts about what I learned, what I loved, what was challenging, what I disliked, and what I'd love WebFlow to build into future releases of their service.
Fix /1000 pages in Google Search Console
Recently, one of my sites started showing more than twenty "Pages with Redirects" in Google Search Console that all included accurate blog page URLS, but ended with /1000. Here's the Spammy links I found, the research. and fix that I implemented.
How to fix the Code block in SquareSpace when it is too tall
If you're looking to reduce the height of your Code block, the best way to do this is using Custom CSS. Here's the code you need and how to video.
Save as a JPG in PhotoShop when it’s not a dropdown option
When you're new to PhotoShop, sometimes simple tasks can be frustrating and difficult to find. One such task is saving your project as a JPEG. Here's how.
Forwarding Domains with GoDaddy
Tips and how-to for creating a full-functioning GoDaddy forwarding solution.
How to use the Query Loop in the WordPress Block Editor
If you have questions about the Query Loop Block in WordPress's Gutenberg Block Editor, this post is for you, especially, if you're struggling to access the settings,
Three ways to show latest updated date or modified date in WordPress
This post demonstrates three ways to change the template of your WordPress blog post to display the last modified date instead of the original published date.
Starting a Shopify Store
This article talks about my experience setting up my first few Shopify stores and documents the initial resources I referenced and the techniques I used to accomplish the desired features; I also discuss my favorite features!
Remove Beaver Builder from WordPress Blog
To speed up and simplify my Arts and Bricks WordPress blog, I'm working to remove unneeded plugins and tools. One tool that I'm removing is Beaver Builder; here's how I did it.
Add a heading to your HubSpot Comments Form
Learn how to add a heading to your HubSpot blog's comment form area.