CategoryWeb Design

From CSS to frameworks and design mockups to code, these are posts that span the gamut of Kelly’s day-to-day work as a web designer and developer, including SquareSpaceWordPressStatamicShopify, and other platforms.

Squarespace Web Design Tips


Squarespace is a website builder for personal and professional websites. This post highlights a selection of my tips and steps to help you accomplish common website functionality and design tasks on the Squarespace platform.

Reasons to create a domain redirect


Well-designed user experiences work behind the scenes, with the design details often going unnoticed by the end user. Domain redirects can be essential to customer satisfaction and positively reinforce a good user experience. Here are scenarios where this plays out.

Lottie Animations and Webflow


While designing and building my first Webflow website, I ran into the issue that the Lottie files I created and exported using Bodymovin and LottieFiles from within Adobe After Effects included a blank last frame. This meant that looping was not smooth, and the animation became blank after playing. These two solutions worked for me.

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