AuthorKelly Barkhurst

Designer to Fullstack is my place to geek out and share tech solutions from my day-to-day as a graphic designer, programmer, and business owner (portfolio). I also write on Arts and Bricks, a parenting blog and decal shop that embraces my family’s love of Art and LEGO bricks!

Make a repeated outline in PhotoShop – Pop Art Design Effect


I always enjoy Adobe's PhotoShop Freebies emails. The emails often come with downloads for filters and effects and short tutorials. This week, I spent a few minutes following the Outline it, repeat, and make it pop in Photoshop: 1-minute tutorial. Here's my take on the multiple outlined effect and a few additional tips that might help you make this Pop Art Photoshop Effect.

How to download a copy of a website


As a web designer, there have been many times in my career when I need to grab a copy of a website and share the files or save the files to my local machine. Often, this is part of an archiving process, especially when a site is undergoing a significant redesign or moving platforms. Learn more about the apps I use for archiving and downloading copies of live websites.

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