
From Google tools to Chrome tips, my Google posts dig into my go-to browser, email client, and website SEO best practices.

Delete emails on swipe in Gmail app for iPhone


Ever wanted to delete your messages in Gmail on your iPhone by swiping? Yep, me too! My default swipe settings were configured to archive my messages, not to delete unwanted messages. Here are quick how-to instructions for setting deletion as your default swipe action for unwanted messages in the Gmail application on your iPhone.

Fixing Mobile Usability Issues detected from Google Search Console


If you've registered your website with Google Search Console, then periodically you may receive emails notifying you when Mobile Usability issues have been detected. A notification may look similar to the screenshot below. They often highlight common errors such as "Text too small to read," "Clickable elements too close together," or "Content wider than screen."

How do I use Google.com to search within a website?


Did you know that Google.com can be used to help you search for a keyword or phrase within a website? Yes, it’s true. Google can search and provide results for any single website indexed by Google. How to search for your phrase, keyword, or term from within a specific website using Google.com? It’s very simple to search a single site in Google, you just need to know the proper syntax...

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