
Explore blogging tips and how-tos based on Kelly’s experience building and maintaining blogging web properties. These are especially useful for writers using WordPress as their blogging platform.

Enable SVG in WordPress Media Library using a function


The WordPress Media Library does not permit uploading SVG file types by default. Trying to upload an SVG file to the WordPress Media Library displays a warning reading, "Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons." To change the functionality of your site and to permit SVG upload, you'll need to update your theme or child theme's function.php with this code.

Use transition words in your writing for better SEO


Writing with enough transition words is an important measure of your website's readability. Your page's readability score is a Search Engine Optimization metric. Learning to use transition words is instrumental in improving your SEO readability score. Consequently, the proper use of transition words improves your website’s visibility. Read on to discover actionable tips.

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