If you've ever run into the issue that the wrapping an image isn't the same height or width as the image it's wrapping, you can often fix this discrepancy with simple CSS. Here's how.
Gamifying my writing works!
Why Grammarly first won me over: Being naturally competitive, Grammarly's "gameifying" of my weekly writing comparisons with others using the app motivates me.
Reasons to create a domain redirect
Well-designed user experiences work behind the scenes, with the design details often going unnoticed by the end user. Domain redirects can be essential to customer satisfaction and positively reinforce a good user experience. Here are scenarios where this plays out.
Tricks for working with the newer versions of Adobe Camera Raw (2023 and beyond)
In 2023, Adobe Camera Raw's user interface changed significantly. This can make it hard to follow along with tutorials recorded before the updates. Here are a few tips and tricks that may help you find moved tools and options.
Lottie Animations and Webflow
While designing and building my first Webflow website, I ran into the issue that the Lottie files I created and exported using Bodymovin and LottieFiles from within Adobe After Effects included a blank last frame. This meant that looping was not smooth, and the animation became blank after playing. These two solutions worked for me.
Bitbucket: Warning Remote Host Identification Has Changed
On June 20, 2023, Bitbucket issued two new SSH host keys and started replacing the current host keys. This caused my Terminal access to throw a "Warning: Remote Host Identification has changed!" error. Here's how I changed the fingerprints.
How to change Photoshop brush size using key commands
Have you ever wondered how to change your brush size in Photoshop using key commands and your mouse or wand? Here's how to adjust your brush size without using the Brush Options Panel.
Find your shape’s size in After Effects
As a newbie in a complex design program, sometimes simple tasks are difficult. If you're looking for an easy way to find the size of your shape in After Effects, there's a simple way.
How to draw a path with fill none in Adobe After Effects
As a beginner in After Effects, sometimes simple tasks are very challenging. Case in point: creating a path with no fill is not completed like in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. However, don't worry; making a path instead of a shape in Adobe Effects is still simple, but the option is a bit hidden. This short video tutorial shows you how to select a Fill of None for a path or shape in Adobe After...
Add a copyright year programmatically to your website footer
Especially in January, you start thinking about copyrights on your websites. This is one of those maintenance tasks ripe for a programmatic solution. No reason to manually update the years on your website's copyright year after year. Here are a few good options for creating an automatically updating copyright year on your website.