Learn the three-key command that allows you to permanently delete photos from your Photos Library, even from within albums.
Fix for Google Search Console Sitemap Submissions not Getting Fetched Successfully
Submitting sitemaps via Google Search Console is an important step in ensuring your website is listed in Google search results. Sometimes, a sitemap that you know is valid and fetchable doesn't work in Google Search Console. In this case (which is likely a bug on Google's side) try this trick.
Collections fieldset example in Statamic V2
See an example of using the Collections fieldset in Statamic V2 and displaying the content with {{ relate }}.
Help, my Tumblr blog tag links are broken
If you found this post, then you likely host a website using Tumblr. If your Tumblr theme is older, then broken tag links are something that probably started occurring on your site around October 2021. Read on to discover the simple fix.
Do you know the often-overlooked EASY website launch step that makes all the difference?
What task should you immediately complete after launching your new website? Hint, it helps all your hard work designing, coding, and writing be found by end-users via search. My design studio provides this behind-the-scenes step for our clients as part of our best practice and SEO tasks. So, do you know what "this step" might be, or are you still wondering? Read this post to find out the answer.
How to pin and arrange Google Chrome Extensions in your browser
Ever wanted to better organize your Google Chrome extensions? Yep, me too! Here's a quick few tips to pin and arrange your most frequently used Google Chrome extensions in your browser.
Illustrator Pen tool basics
Learning the nuances of the Illustrator pen tool takes time and practice. Many years ago, I found an exercise created by Belgian-based web/graphic designer, Veerle. I've often used her exercise as an in-class project for my beginner design students. This post shares tips and provides videos of completing this beginner pen tool exercise.
Tips for creating a logotype using two letters
This post is based on the skills and exercises I teach my beginner design students during a project where we make two-letter logotypes using our initials. Watch videos and get how-to tips for making your own initial/monogram logo.
Delete emails on swipe in Gmail app for iPhone
Ever wanted to delete your messages in Gmail on your iPhone by swiping? Yep, me too! My default swipe settings were configured to archive my messages, not to delete unwanted messages. Here are quick how-to instructions for setting deletion as your default swipe action for unwanted messages in the Gmail application on your iPhone.
How to make a PHP “IF OR” or “IF AND” statement
Both WordPress and Statamic content management systems are built on PHP. Just like many other programming languages, PHP's syntax for OR is two vertical lines; PHP's syntax for AND is two ampersands &&. Alternatively, the words "and" and "or" may be used, too. Here are some code examples.