As a designer, I use arrow shapes frequently and want to have an array of arrows available in every program I use, ideally within a click or two. Here’s a quick way to add all your arrow shape needs to Adobe PhotoShop.
As a designer, I use arrow shapes frequently and want to have an array of arrows available in every program I use, ideally within a click or two. Here’s a quick way to add all your arrow shape needs to Adobe PhotoShop.
As in most things, there are many different ways to accomplish finding out what template or templates your page is using. Below we share a free plugin option and share a code snippet option for seeing what templates each page of your WordPress site uses.
Learn about the typographic term "kerning" and why it is so very important in graphic design.
If you have cash gift cards lying around with let's say $0.52 on one gift card and $0.60 on another, then I've got a simple tip for accessing that cash and throwing away your fully used cash gift card. Read about my favorite (and convenient way) to use small cash amounts left on cash gift cards.
Learn more about the basics of domain names and especially why it's important to have redirects for www/non-www and http/https configured correctly with your DNS and server-side scripts.
Sometimes PhotoShop throws an error and tells me that can it can not place a document that I'm dragging into another document because the current document has an input-only color profile. Do you have this problem too? If yes, read on to learn how to easily address this warning.
The gibberish you see in Chrome is likely indicative of a font issue, specifically with the Roboto font. I bet you're a designer! Here's how to fix it, and it's really easy!
Ecommerce site owners rejoice! Google Chrome is helping you with one of your biggest issues - Cart Abandonment - for FREE! Learn more about why this is a great feature for both brands and consumers.
Existing as a small business on Google should be a top priority for all local businesses. Here are a few tips for making the most of this FREE Google service.
There are several reasons that I often ask my small business owner clients for their IP addresses including filtering in Google Analytics tracking, whitelisting in WordPress limited login plugin and even adding to to SPF DNS records.