What’s my Google Business’s CID number?


If your business exists on Google, it has an assigned unique Customer Identification number, known as a CID number. Knowing your business’s CID number is helpful in many scenarios.

For instance, your CID # can help you precisely link your business’s online existence with your Google Business Listing via your website’s JSON-LD Schema. This linking helps to remove online ambiguity.

There are many ways to determine your business Google CID number; here are a couple.

Find a CID # from Google Maps

For technical users

Let’s start with the manual process. Basically, your Google CID is part of the source code for you business listing on Google Maps. So, if you go to your Google My Business Listing, view your source code and search for ludocid\\u003d you’ll be taken to a section of the page source code directly before your CID#. You’ll select all the numbers after u003d and before the next \\.

Find my Google CID # from inspecting my Google Listing source code

The easy way to find your Business’s CID: Use a Chrome Extension

There are many free Google Chrome Extensions that you can use to quickly find your Company’s Google CID#. The plugin I use is GMB Page – CID & PlaceID Finder.

Navigate to your Business or Google Maps and then click to this Extension. You’ll see a modal box that displays your Google Place ID and CID.

Google Place ID and CID #

Watch Me Show You How to Find your GMB (Google) CID Number Online

Hello, my name is Kelly Barkhurst. From Designer to FullStack. And today I’m recording a video to include on this newer blog post, which is called What’s My Google Business’s CID number, meaning customer ID on Google. And the reason why I am looking into this today is because I’m working on Json schema. So structured data and schema markup, which is the data layer of a website.

And so my goal today is that I will have this set number so that I can use this line of code, same as when I’m using schema for my organization or local business or dentist. So what I’m looking at today is Riverstone Pediatric Dentistry. And if it exists on Google My business, then there is a CID number.

And so there is the long way of finding the CID number. And also using a Google Chrome plugin. So here’s the long way. If we reference it in the website for the technical users, basically you are going to go to your Google business listing and you are going to view the source code on Google Maps, and you’re going to search for this term, and then you’re going to select the text that after it and before the two backward slashes.

All right. So let’s try this out. So we are going to click to View and map. Okay so I’m at the map now I am right clicking. If I’m on the map I get a whole bunch of options that aren’t what I need. So I actually need to come over here to this tab and say view page source.

Okay, so now I am in a tab. That’s all the code for this page. And I’m on a mac. So I’m going to use command F for find. And I’m going to put in what I copied. And you can see this is my code. It’s this 714625. Right. So it’s everything right before that double backwards slashes. \ So here’s my code number okay.

All right. So you can do that for every, there we go. My mouse is acting up. Here we go. And.

I am just going to put it right there for now. All right. So I can see that this is my number. Perfect. All right. I can check that I’ve done it right, because it should redirect to my Google profile page. So if I use the https maps, question mark said equals before that number. So I’m going to copy this as well.

It should redirect to my organization’s pediatric dentist page. All right. Success. So that is what I would use on my same as and what that does is it gets rid of ambiguity. So I am telling Google on my schema on my structured data layer. Hey this business this organization is the same that you have listed in Google Maps here.

All right. So here’s the simplification GMB CID and place Finder, the simpler way is to add an extension to Chrome. So we’re going to click Add to Chrome add extension.

All right. So now if we come to our page.

And I click on that extension I can see my place ID and my site number. So this makes it really easy. So that is a great tool that you can also use to simply copy and paste and find your place IDs and set numbers for any listing on your Google My Business page. All right. So if you found this helpful, please subscribe.

This YouTube channel is about the intersection of design and technology and is from a lot of my day to day experience. I look forward to sharing more.

How do I use this CID number in JSON-LD for my Organization or LocalBusiness?

Once you have your Google CID # (Google Customer ID #), you can add a line to your JSON-LD Schema like this. You’ll replace the numbers after ?cid= with your CID #.

"sameAs": "https://www.google.com/maps?cid=5467313978617017528",

Happy Optimizing!

Still have questions? Here’s another great external resource for finding your CID on Google Maps.

About the author

Kelly Barkhurst

Designer to Fullstack is my place to geek out and share tech solutions from my day-to-day as a graphic designer, programmer, and business owner (portfolio). I also write on Arts and Bricks, a parenting blog and decal shop that embraces my family’s love of Art and LEGO bricks!

By Kelly Barkhurst

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