Taggoogle search console

Do you know the often-overlooked EASY website launch step that makes all the difference?


What task should you immediately complete after launching your new website? Hint, it helps all your hard work designing, coding, and writing be found by end-users via search. My design studio provides this behind-the-scenes step for our clients as part of our best practice and SEO tasks. So, do you know what "this step" might be, or are you still wondering? Read this post to find out the answer.

Fixing Mobile Usability Issues detected from Google Search Console


If you've registered your website with Google Search Console, then periodically you may receive emails notifying you when Mobile Usability issues have been detected. A notification may look similar to the screenshot below. They often highlight common errors such as "Text too small to read," "Clickable elements too close together," or "Content wider than screen."

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