Remove Beaver Builder from WordPress Blog


In an effort to speed up and simplify my Arts and Bricks WordPress blog, I’m working to remove unneeded plugins and tools. One tool that I’m removing is Beaver Builder. I’m also removing WooCommerce as I’ve switched my e-commerce store to Shopify.

Multiple Options for Uninstalling Beaver Builder

I’m not planning to go back to using the Beaver Builder tool, so I’m going to implement the full uninstall that includes removing the post meta values from my database too.

I’ll be following along using the steps provided in the Beaver Builder Knowledge Base.

Of importance, I’m highlighting the notes provided by Beaver Builder’s Knowledge Base below. Because the “Uninstall” option doesn’t also delete layout data, we’ll follow the advanced delete meta post instructions as well, which requires the temporary install of the Post Meta Manager plugin.

  • In technical terms, uninstalling with this method deletes the cache files and options from the wp_options table, but it doesn’t delete any layout data in the post meta table.
  • If you reactivate the plugin, your content layouts are restored and available for editing in Beaver Builder, but you must manually add information back to Settings > Beaver Builder.

How to Uninstall Beaver Builder Video

This video walks you through how I installed Beaver Builder and used the Post Meta Manager plugin to delete the Beaver Builder layout data.

Copy and paste the following, one by one, into the Delete Meta Keys section to completely wipe all builder data:

  • _fl_builder_data
  • _fl_builder_data_settings
  • _fl_builder_draft
  • _fl_builder_draft_settings

Other Steps

Delete plugins with Beaver Builder dependencies

You may have additional plugins that require Beaver Builder to work. I had the WPZOOM Addons Pack for Beaver Builder which I needed to uninstall as a follow-up step.

Uninstall beaver builder addons
Delete plugins with Beaver Builder dependencies

Happy WordPressing!

About the author

Kelly Barkhurst

Designer to Fullstack is my place to geek out and share tech solutions from my day-to-day as a graphic designer, programmer, and business owner (portfolio). I also write on Arts and Bricks, a parenting blog and decal shop that embraces my family’s love of Art and LEGO bricks!

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